"Control" is a third-person action-adventure video game developed by Remedy Entertainment and released in 2019. The game is set within the Oldest House, a mysterious and ever-shifting brutalist skyscraper in New York City, which serves as the headquarters for the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secretive government agency tasked with investigating and containing paranormal phenomena.
Players take on the role of Jesse Faden, who arrives at the Oldest House seeking answers about her past and quickly becomes involved in the Bureau's operations after a paranormal entity called the Hiss invades the building. As she explores the labyrinthine structure, Jesse discovers her role as the new Director of the Bureau and gains supernatural abilities that allow her to manipulate her environment and combat the Hiss.
The game is renowned for its unique setting, combining a stark, architectural beauty with an unsettling, surreal atmosphere. The narrative is deeply layered, involving complex themes of control, power, and the unknown. "Control" incorporates elements of paranormal lore, science fiction, and psychological thriller, all while challenging players with dynamic combat, environmental puzzles, and exploration
Players take on the role of Jesse Faden, who arrives at the Oldest House seeking answers about her past and quickly becomes involved in the Bureau's operations after a paranormal entity called the Hiss invades the building. As she explores the labyrinthine structure, Jesse discovers her role as the new Director of the Bureau and gains supernatural abilities that allow her to manipulate her environment and combat the Hiss.
The game is renowned for its unique setting, combining a stark, architectural beauty with an unsettling, surreal atmosphere. The narrative is deeply layered, involving complex themes of control, power, and the unknown. "Control" incorporates elements of paranormal lore, science fiction, and psychological thriller, all while challenging players with dynamic combat, environmental puzzles, and exploration